MMA Benefits: The health improvements

MMA training as a self-care health method has exploded and with good reason. MMA classes offer some of the best conditioned on the planet, and you don’t need to be a mixed martial art phenom to take advantage, as it will benefit your entire life.

Lets delve into the health benefits of Mixed Martial arts so you can get a more specific idea of what you will experience.

Strength: The MMA benefits

It is important to understand that although MMA is primarily a sport that revolves around explosive movements, as well as endurance building, it does lend itself to making some decent strength gains.

One of the best benefits of MMA training is it incorporates the best of all martial arts. In MMA you will be grappling, striking, and doing wall work on the cage. Grappling martial arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, and sambo do require you to use every part of your body to resist your opponent’s advances.

Due to the nature of grappling, you will build strength as well as endurance on the mat. When it comes to the best striking martial arts such as Boxing, Kickboxing & Muay Thai, they force your bones to adapt and become stronger due to an increased load on your joints.

Build Lean Muscle Mass

As we can see here with data from the National Library of medicine, MMA isn’t just for street fighting and barbarians. No specific martial art alone offers this long list of reasons to get started.

This is how you build muscle on the MMA mats:

stimulating muscle fibers: MMA involving grappling, striking, and clinching techniques do require force production and resistance against an opponent’s body weight. These actions stimulate muscle fibers and activate muscle protein synthesis, contributing to muscle hypertrophy (growth)

You will need to ensure that you are eating adequate levels of protein to take full advantage of these benefits. You won’t build a physique like a chiseled bodybuilder in a martial art, but you will have a more functional level of muscle mass, and will develop a better overall fitness level for all aspects of your life.

Metabolic Stress: You will be moving in many different planes of movement that develop muscles generally neglected in your day-to-day life, you will enhance your existing foundation of muscle mass as an added benefit.

You will accumulate more lactate and hydrogen ions that will cause ”stress trigger” cellular responses that will support muscle growth by inducing fiber recruitment adaptions.

As you can see from the scientific evidence, it collectively shows how MMA training can contribute to you experiencing muscle mass development.

Cardiovascular Fitness benefits

MMA training is one of the best out there, you can see how it’s hitting all of the health pillars that enable you to live a long and healthy lifestyle. Cardiovascular health is no exception, and it is also backed by scientific research.

Heart Health: You will be forced to pump blood more effectively due to the sport’s intense demands. Regularly engaging in a combat sport like this will no doubt reduce your risk of heart disease, as well as enhance your heart muscle strength and its pivotal functions.

VO2 Max Improvements: Having a higher VO2 max due to MMA training is another huge advantage. VO2 max reflects your body’s capacity to deliver oxygen to the muscles and how effectively those muscles can utilize the oxygen to produce energy for physical activity, and is a key indicator of good cardiovascular health.

I have found with myself, MMA training has me coming up with more energy in my day-to-day life. It’s much more difficult for me to put on excess body fat as well due to the insane amount of calories I burn in each session.

The endorphins released in martial arts leave me feeling fantastic in body and spirit when I head home.

Enhancing Flexibility

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Flexibility? Isn’t MMA all about throwing punches and kicks?

It kind of is yes, but when training Mixed Martial Arts, doing those roundhouse kicks, and front kicks, little do you know, your hip and leg muscles are getting a stretch session. Regularly practicing these kicks can turn those muscles into the flexible superheroes you never knew you needed.

Now, let’s talk the grappling game: submissions and escapes, where you’re basically a human pretzel… All those twists, turns, and bends are working your spine and joints.

Over time, your body adapts to these grappling and ground techniques, giving you a surprising bonus of improved spinal and joint flexibility.

The combo of resistance training and functional moves in MMA can lengthen your muscles over time. So, while you’re busy building strength, you’re also unknowingly increasing your muscle length. It’s like a two-for-one deal. Muscle power and flexibility gains all wrapped up in one.

So, the next time you’re in the gym, remember that MMA isn’t just about the punches and kicks. It’s about the surprising perks that come with it. Keep the kicks flying, embrace the ground twists in BJJ, and enjoy those extended muscles you develop.

I enjoy getting big and muscular, but the biggest benefit for me has been flexibility. It has me feeling like a teen again as I am able to move in all sorts of weird directions with more range of motion.

Mental Health Benefits of Mixed Martial Arts Training

I don’t think this is something that is exclusive to mixed martial arts, as you can get many of the same benefits from all forms of exercise. I believe what sport benefits you the most in this aspect is down to personal preference, but one part of your mental health that won’t be beaten in regards to improvements is your level of anxiety.

You see, when you are competing with teammates in these martial arts classes, you have to be fully present and in the moment. It is forced upon you as MMA will have people throwing many different direct attacks in your direction.

Whether that is Muay Thai strikes, jiu-jitsu submissions, or grappling throws, they all force you to be in the moment so you defend them.

One of the big causes of anxiety is not being present, and overthinking. This was a big problem for me for years but it all dissipated when I started learning MMA, grappling, and striking.

If mental health is a struggle of yours, I recommend getting into Mixed Martial Arts training as soon as you can. It might not be for you, but the health benefits could be enormous.

Stress reduction

Martial arts should have you experiencing a decreased level of stress. When you’re sweating it out with intense drills and sparring sessions, your mind gets a break from its usual worries. You’re so focused on nailing that technique or dodging a move that your stressors take a back seat.

It’s like a mental vacation where stress isn’t invited. The rate at which this will spill over into your day-to-day life will vary from person to person, so your mileage may vary.

Mastering discipline

MMA training requires discipline that spills over into your daily life. As you commit to regular training, you’re building a solid routine. They give you a sense of control and predictability, helping you manage stress more effectively.

You have to be incredibly committed to training in this sport, as you have to work with rigid schedules and time slots which mirror day-to-day life responsibilities such as going to work, dropping the kids off at school, etc.

Empowerment through through Self-Defense

MMA doesn’t just give you a set of moves, it transforms you into a more aware, skilled, and empowered individual. It’s not about seeking confrontation, so don’t think that at all. it’s about having the tools to protect yourself if push comes to shove.

So, when you step onto the mat, you’re not just training. You are practicing one-on-one combat frequently against very skilled practitioners, you will become an absolute weapon and can be assured that with your martial arts training, you will be able to handle yourself if you need to do so.


In the realm of health benefits, MMA training has risen to the top. The reasons behind its popularity are crystal clear. While training MMA you will get exceptional conditioning, the beauty of this practice lies in its accessibility to almost everyone.

Whether or not you’re destined for the octagon, the health benefits of Mixed Martial Arts can undoubtedly enhance every facet of your life.

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